ژورنال:Pervasive and Mobile Computing
سال: October 2015
قیمت اصلی:41.95$
AbstractIn order to accommodate the high demand for performance in smartphones, mobile cloud computing techniques, which aim to enhance a smartphone’s performance through utilizing powerful cloud servers, were suggested. Among such techniques, execution offloading, which migrates a thread between a mobile device and a server, is often employed. In such execution offloading techniques, it is typical to dynamically decide what code part is to be offloaded through decision making algorithms. In order to achieve optimal offloading performance, however, the gain and cost of offloading must be predicted accurately for such algorithms. Previous works did not try hard to do this because it is usually expensive to make an accurate prediction. Thus in this paper, we introduce novel techniques to automatically generate accurate and efficient method-wise performance predictors for mobile applications and empirically show they enhance the performance of offloading.
KeywordsMobile cloud computing, Execution offloading, Performance predictionژورنال:Journal of Network and Computer Applications
سال: November 2015
قیمت اصلی:39.95$
AbstractMobile cloud computing (MCC) is the state-of-the-art mobile distributed computing model that incorporates multitude of heterogeneous cloud-based resources to augment computational capabilities of the plethora of resource-constraint mobile devices. In MCC, execution time and energy consumption are significantly improved by transferring execution of resource-intensive tasks such as image processing, 3D rendering, and voice recognition from the hosting mobile to the cloud-based resources. However, accessing and exploiting remote cloud-based resources is associated with numerous security and privacy implications, including user authentication and authorization. User authentication in MCC is a critical requirement in securing cloud-based computations and communications. Despite its critical role, there is a gap for a comprehensive study of the authentication approaches in MCC which can provide a deep insight into the state-of-the-art research. This paper presents a comprehensive study of authentication methods in MCC to describe MCC authentication and compare it with that of cloud computing. The taxonomy of the state-of-the-art authentication methods is devised and the most credible efforts are critically reviewed. Moreover, we present a comparison of the state-of-the-art MCC authentication methods considering five evaluation metrics. The results suggest the need for futuristic authentication methods that are designed based on capabilities and limitations of MCC environment. Finally, the design factors deemed could lead to effective authentication mechanisms are presented, and open challenges are highlighted based on the weaknesses and strengths of existing authentication methods.
KeywordsCloud computing, Mobile cloud computing, Security,Authenticationژورنال:Future Generation Computer Systems
سال:November 2015
قیمت اصلی:19.95
Highlights•A recommendation and privacy based cross-layer reputation mechanism (RP-CRM).
•The RP-CRM is secure, privacy preserving and efficient.
•Rapid and accurate detection and management of malicious node.
•The effective recommendation rate of RP-CRM is higher than that of SLCRM and FSLR.
•The successful acceptation rate of RP-CRM is better than that of SLCRM and FSLR.
AbstractMobile cloud computing (MCC) is gaining popularity due to anywhere anytime data access. However, at the same time it also introduces the new privacy and security threats that have become an obstacle to the widespread use and popularity of MCC. In this paper, we propose a reliable recommendation and privacy preserving based cross-layer reputation mechanism (RP-CRM) to provide secure and privacy-aware communication process in wireless mesh networks (WMNs) based MCC (WM-MCC). RP-CRM integrates the cross-layer design with recommendation reputation reliability evaluation mechanism and the privacy preserving scheme to identify and manage the internal malicious nodes and protect the security and privacy against internal multi-layer attack, bad mouthing attack and information disclosure attack. Simulation results and performance analysis demonstrate that RP-CRM can provide rapid and accurate malicious node identification and management, and provide security and privacy protection against aforementioned attacks more effectively and efficiently.
KeywordsMobile cloud computing, Security,Privacy preserving, Reputation mechanismژورنال:Computers & Electrical Engineering
سال:October 2015
قیمت اصلی:39.95$
AbstractCloud computing has emerged as a popular computing paradigm for hosting large computing systems and services. Recently, significant research is carried out on Resource Management (RM) techniques that focus on the efficient sharing of cloud resources among multiple users. RM techniques in cloud are designed for computing and workload intensive applications that have different optimization parameters. This study presents a comprehensive review of RM techniques and elaborates their extensive taxonomy based on the distinct features. It highlights evaluation parameters and platforms that are used to evaluate RM techniques. Moreover, it presents design goals and research challenges that should be considered while proposing novel RM techniques.
KeywordsCloud computing, Resource management, Resource allocation,Virtual machine migration, Hybrid cloud, Mobile cloud computing