Guide to storage tank and equipment part 2

Guide to storage tank and equipment part 2

296 صفحه pdf

Guide to storage tank and equipment part 2

The practical reference book and guide to storage tanks and ancillary equipment with a comprehensive buyers' guide to worldwide manufacturers and suppliers part 1 Bob Long, Garner, Professional Engineering Publishing

فصول 15 تا 27 به شرح زیر:

فصل 15 Seismic design of ambient temperature storage tanks

فصل 16 Operation of ambient temperature tanks 

فصل 17 Low temperature storage tanks

فصل 18  The design of low temperature tanks  

فصل 19 Insulation systems for low temperature tanks 

فصل 20 Ancillary equipment for low temperature tanks 

فصل 21 Ammonia storage - a special case

فصل 22 Material selection criteria for low
temperature tanks

فصل 23 Erection considerations for low
temperature tanks

فصل 24 Foundations for low temperature

فصل 25 Regulations governing the layout
of refrigerated liquid gas tanks


فصل 26 Seismic design of low temperature

فصل 27 Miscellaneous storage systems


خرید و دانلود Guide to storage tank and equipment part 2

Practical Guide to ASME B31.3 Process Piping

289 صفحه پی دی اف

Practical Guide to ASME B31.3 Process Piping

Practical Guidebook Series TM

Volume 3-1997

Glynn E. Woods, P.E

Roy B.Baguley, P.Eng

سرفصل مطالب


Pressure design of piping and piping component

Flexibility analysis of piping system

Limitations on piping and components


Fabrication, assembly and erection

Inspection, examination and testing

Piping for category M Fluid Service

High pressure piping

Appendix 1,2,3

خرید و دانلود Practical Guide to ASME B31.3 Process Piping

راهنمای مهندسی خط لوله Quick Guide to Pipeline Engineering (استاندارد 2008) ebook

راهنمای مهندسی خط لوله  Quick Guide to Pipeline Engineering (استاندارد  2008) ebook

  Quick Guide to Pipeline Engineering (ASME  2008) ebook  

کتابی جامع از انتشارات استاندارد در مورد مهندسی خط لوله

خرید و دانلود راهنمای مهندسی خط لوله  Quick Guide to Pipeline Engineering (استاندارد  2008) ebook