فیلم شطرنج حمله با گامبی بنکو جلد 1 Attacking with the Benko Gambit

فیلم شطرنج حمله با گامبی بنکو جلد 1 Attacking with the Benko Gambit

حمله با گامبی بنکو

Attacking with the Benko Gambitby  Alejandro Ramirez

استاد بزرگ الخاندرو رامیرز

زمان آموزش : 3 ساعت و44 دقیقه

محصول : chessbase

سطح : بازیکنان مسابقات ,حرفه ای

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5

گامبی بنکو یکی ازدفاعهای فعال دربرابر d4 است که سیاه سعی دارد ازهمان حرکات نخستین تعادل بازی را درمرکز به هم زده وحالت حمله ای به خود بگیرد.استادبزرگ جوان آمریکایی آلخاندرو رامیرز بیش از ده سال این گامبی را بازی کرده ویکی از متخصصین بزرگ این دفاع محسوب میگردد

Throughout the years, it has become difficult for Black to find active and promising prospects against 1.d4. White players are usually looking for a stable, solid and permanent advantage to torture their opponents with. The Benkö Gambit offers Black the possibility, at the cost of a pawn, to shatter these ideals and to be the one who is in the driver’s seat as he takes a quick hold of extremely important strategical advantages – superior development, better piece prospects, easier play, clarity of plan, sounder pawn structure, among others! White must be very careful in the Benkö, as his attacking prospects are extremely limited and he is reduced to passive play. This DVD covers all the potential variations that arise after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5. You will gain not only grandmaster knowledge of the specific lines and variations with the latest games from top GMs – you will also gain the essential strategical and tactical ideas that dominate the Benkö Gambit structures and setups, enabling you to outplay your opponent once the opening phase is finished. Carlsen, Kasparov, Anand, Zvjaginsev, Bologan, Vachier-Lagrave and many others have incorporated the Benkö Gambit as part of their repertoire – some use it when they want to pressure their opponent from the get-go or when they are in a must-win situation, others as their main ‘defence’ against 1.d4! Venture into the world of the Benkö Gambit and see the results over the board immediately! Video running time: 3 hours 44 min

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خرید و دانلود فیلم شطرنج حمله با گامبی بنکو جلد 1 Attacking with the Benko Gambit