دانلود کتاب: Petroleum
From Sedimentary Environments
to Rock Physics – Second Edition
شامل فصول:
1.Introduction to Petroleum Geology
2.Introduction to Sedimentology
3.Sedimentary Geochemistry
4.Sandstones and Sandstone Reservoirs
5.Carbonate Sediments
6.Mudrocks, Shales, Silica Deposits and Evaporites
8.Seismic Stratigraphy, Sequence Stratigraphy and Basin Analysis
9.Heat Transport in Sedimentary Basins
10.Subsurface Water and Fluid Flow in Sedimentary Basins
11.Introduction to Geomechanics: Stress and Strain in Sedimentary
12.The Structure and Hydrocarbon Traps of Sedimentary Basins .
13.Compaction of Sedimentary Rocks: Shales, Sandstones
and Carbonates
14.Source Rocks and Petroleum Geochemistry
15.Petroleum Migration
16.Well Logging: Principles, Applications and Uncertainties
17.Seismic Exploration
18.Explorational Rock Physics: The Link between Geological Processes
and Geophysical Observables
4D Seismic19.
20.Interpretation of Marine CSEM and Marine MT Data for
Hydrocarbon Prospecting
21.Production Geology
22.Introduction to Reservoir Modelling
23.Unconventional Hydrocarbons: Oil Shales, Heavy Oil, Tar Sands,
Shale Oil, Shale Gas and Gas Hydrates
24.Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
25.Geology of the Norwegian Continental Shelf
26.Exploration Strategy